Our Technology

Green2Screen™ Transformation

Uses CO2, Salts, H2O and Light

To Drive Protein Production in Chloroplasts

Our Products


Up to 5 grams per kilogram from plant leaves, with stable production in our advanced chloroplast system.


10,000-fold amplification through seeds, our products offer hyper-scalability.

Superior containment

By harvesting leaves before flowering, we prevent dispersal of seeds. Additionally, our products originate from modified chloroplasts, not spread by pollen.


Our products are free from harmful microbial toxins and animal pathogens.


By using light, water, salts, and CO2 for protein expression in chloroplasts, our technology offers a sustainable alternative to traditional fermentation.


We provide cost-effective products by replacing fermentation in expensive bioreactors by modern scalable farming methods.

Ultra-scalable, cost-effective, superior quality, animal-free proteins
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